Sunday, August 15, 2010

opportunity awaits!


Junior Training Weekend - August 28-29

The PTC Vancouver invites athletes ages 14-19 who have an interest in junior triathlon racing to a training camp/weekend open house on August 28-29.

Meet current PTC members and coach Mark Bates, learn about aspects of junior racing such as race tactics, open water swimming, bike drafting, transitions and more.

Saturday August 28
9:00-2:00 UBC Aquatic Centre
Swim, Bike, Transitions, Classroom session

Sunday August 29
9:00-2:00 Sasamat Lake
Swim, Entries/Exits, Run, Talk, Mini-Aquathlon races

Cost: $25

Contact Mark (email - mark "at" 321coaching "dot" com or  604-787-2715)  to register and for more information. As the schedule may change, athletes MUST pre-register.


I owe so much of my success to my coaches and Mark Bates has been one of the best I've had. If this interests you, go for it.  Mark helped get me to where I am now, the worlds team spot I made is partly his and in the future it could be you competing on the world stage if you want to make it!
- Cole

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