Thought i'd post something besides an intro and talk a lil about how training and how my body is reacting to it. While listening to some chill tunes that sync with the general body ache that comes with a long run on what think could be a young and formidable sickness woot! lets keep the fingers crossed on it being a bloom in pollen (breaking news from Kyla Coates) yes! and my first successful link. Already in the hang of this blogging jazz.
The workout seemed pretty simple (80min run 15' warmup 30-45 build to tempo) but I was able to appreciate a rather complex result derived from it. This included an adventurous route of exploring which started with a chip trail loop out through random golf course trails I didn't know existed to a flower infested elementary school field down to the Uplands (funny enough it's downhill and on the coast, not very up if you ask me) back to cordova bay where i then took a road i didn't know existed (yay! for run on sentences with no grammatical confines!) As i crested a hill 25' into my tempo build my HR spiked to 190 at what i though was a reasonable pace. Any explanations all you educated readers?!? After this my cough gave me watery eyes and a good reminder of the day before that seemed like one continuous day of training yet again. I think i was approx. 60 mins in at this point due to a long drawn out warm up. I reminded myself that it's okay to have those shitty days of training and went on exploring further. Found myself on a single lane road riddled with fallen branches the reminded me of "quiet neighbourhood" where young adolescence seem to "disappear"haha. Aaaannnnnndddd song insert that came in on shuffle that helped me zone out to get back on the one of the main roads. Got into a groove and my lungs let me breath for a few, got back to campus, drank some melon mango juice that tasted o so good... Moral of the story isss don't get sick.. it sucks
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